
Banded Glute Thrust
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment:  Booty Band Place a booty band around your thighs just above the knees. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Push through your heels to raise your hips...
Banded Hip Thrust | THE BOD
[Video] Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Booty Band Place a booty band around your thighs just above the knees. Rest your upper back and shoulders on a bench.  Position your feet so that your heels are close to your buttocks. Drive your...
Banded Kickback
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Booty Band Place the booty band around your ankles and create tension with a shoulder width stance.  You can use a pole for balance and lean slightly forward to help stabilise your position.  Contract your glutes then...
Banded Seated Hip Abduction
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Bench, Booty Band Start in a seated position with knees bent and feet about shoulder width apart.  Place a booty band around your legs, positioning it just above the knees.  Using the glutes, push your knees outwards...
Barbell Clean & Press
Target Area: Full Body  Equipment: Barbell, Weight Collars, Weight Plates Start in the same position as a conventional deadlift with your shins close to the bar and your knees inside your arms.  Keep your back flat, while grabbing the bar with the...
Barbell Hip Thrust
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Barbell, Bench, Weight Collars, Weight Plates Load the barbell with the prescribed weights and secure with weight collars. Rest your upper back and shoulders on a bench and roll the barbell over your legs until it is...
Barbell Romanian Deadlift
Target Area: Lower Body   Equipment: Barbell, Weight Collars, Weight Plates Stand facing the loaded barbell with your feet around shoulder width apart. Bend down with your knees and grasp the barbell using a pronated grip with your hands around shoulder width apart...
Bear Crawl
Target Area: Full Body  Equipment: Not required Standing up straight, reach your hands out in front of you and place them on the ground. Moving one hand and one foot at a time, slowly move forward. Alternate both hands and feet simultaneously...
Bench Dip
Target Area: Upper Body  Equipment: Bench Position your hands shoulder width apart on a secure bench behind you.  Slide off the front of the bench with your legs extended out in front of you so that the weight of your body is...
Bench Jump
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Bench Position yourself on one side of a bench or chair.  Place your hands securely on the outside of the bench for stability. Jump over the bench, keeping your hands in the same position. Jump back over...
Bicycle Crunch
Target Area: Core Equipment: Not required  Lying on the floor, place your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers. Place your feet in a tabletop position with your knees and feet at a 90-degree angle. Crunch your abdominals as you lift...
Bird Dog
Target Area: Core  Equipment: Not required Start on all fours with your hands positioned directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Keep your back, pelvis and core stable, reach your right arm forward and opposite leg (left) back....
Box Jump
Target area: Lower Body  Equipment: Box Stand in front of the box with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend into a quarter squat and swing your arms back, then swing them forward and explode up off the ground. Land on the box...
Bulgarian Split Lunge
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Bench Start by standing in front a bench. Extend one leg behind you and secure it on the top of the bench. With an upright torso, braced core and hips square to your body, descend down until...
Target Area: Full Body  Equipment: Not required Stand with your feet hip width apart and your arms down by your side. Lower your body into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you, standing on the balls...
Burpee Over Bar
Target Area: Full Body  Equipment: Barbell Stand with your feet hip width apart and your arms down by your side. Lower your body into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you, standing on the balls of...
Butt Kick
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Not required Start off by standing straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Kick your right foot back, bringing the heel all the way back to the buttocks, and in quick succession, repeat with your left leg....
Cable Bicep Curl
Target Area: Upper Body  Equipment: Cable Machine, Small Barbell Attachment Lower the cable pulley and attachment to the bottom of the machine. Start in a standing position with a tall and upright posture. Grip the bar with the palms facing upwards and...
Cable Crunch
Target Area: Core  Equipment: Cable Machine, Rope Attachment Kneel below a high cable with the rope attachment attached high on the pulley. Grab the rope attachment and lower the rope until your hands are placed either side of your face. Flex your...
Cable Kickback
Target Area: Lower Body Equipment: Cable Handle Attachment, Cable Machine  Stand facing a cable machine with the pulley fixed low. Secure your foot into the cable handle attachment and face the weight stack from a distance of about two feet, grasping the...
Cable Pull Through
Target Area: Lower Body  Equipment: Cable Machine, Rope Attachment Stand facing away from the cable machine with the pulley fixed low and rope attachment held out in front of you.  Take a few steps forward so there is resistance between yourself and...