Straight Leg Clamhold
December 25, 2020
Target Area: Lower Body Equipment: Booty Band Lying down on your side, start with the band around your knees (can be positioned around your ankles...
Olivia Jenkins
Ab Pull-In
December 22, 2020
Target Area: CoreEquipment: Fit Ball Using a fit ball, secure your hands into a plank position with your arms fully extended, slowly moving one...
Carla Jenkins
Recipes Your Kids Will Actually Eat
If you can’t handle another mealtime meltdown, then don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! We’ve put together some recipes that will not only have...
Busting The Myths About Carbohydrates
December 6, 2020
For years, fat was the number one public enemy. Nowadays, it’s carbohydrates getting the bad rep. The truth is, carbs aren’t really as evil you...
Healthy Snack Ideas
December 1, 2020
Gurl, we’ve all been there - it’s a few hours after breakfast or mid-afternoon and - BAM! - a food craving hits. Reaching for a...
How To Stay Motivated During a Challenge
November 24, 2020
Do you often feel unmotivated to workout? Gurl, you’re not alone. Some days you can’t wait to sweat it out, but others? You just want...
Becki Francis
The Importance of Pre-Workout Meals
November 17, 2020
Do you sometimes feel dizzy or nauseated after working out? Unfortunately this happens to many fitness lovers just because they’re unaware of one pre-eminent fact...
How To Nail Your Flexible Dieting
November 10, 2020
Flexible dieting is a simple way of eating that is hugely loved here at THE BOD. Also referred to as tracking macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and...
A Guide to Creating The Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe of Your Dreams
October 23, 2020
It seems like everyone is looking to cut back on their clothing consumption and put more thought into their wardrobe. While style remains our top...
Addition Collaborator
Create the Perfect Cleaning Schedule for your home
October 15, 2020
Some of us love cleaning and intuitively know where to start when we are planning our Saturday morning sessions. Others may find the thought of...
How to Nail your Household Organisation
October 7, 2020
Are you looking to up your household organisation? Then look no further! Whether you are doing a complete overhaul of your home or doing some...
Top Diet Trends For 2020
September 30, 2020
Here are the trending fad diets of 2020 to analyse what’s working and what’s just a passing fad. Intuitive eating Intuitive eating involves listening to...