Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

Target Area: Upper Body 

Equipment: 1 x Dumbbell, Bench

  1. Start with a dumbbell in your hand, rest your opposite knee on a bench with your feet shoulder width apart. 
  2. Bend about 45 degrees forward at the hips, using your non-working arm to stabilise yourself. Keep your back straight at all times. 
  3. Bend your elbow to bring the dumbbell towards you. Your triceps should be parallel to your upper torso while your wrists parallel to your thighs. 
  4. Straighten your arm behind you and feel your tricep working and elbow as straight as possible. 
  5. Perform for the number of prescribed repetitions.



Increase the weight of the dumbbells or number of repetitions.


Decrease the weight of the dumbbells or number of repetitions.


Tricep Push-Up