Is your network is your networth? Who is in your circles?

Is your network is your networth? Who is in your circles?

Have you ever heard the saying that your network is your net worth? Or you become most like the five people you hang around most with? A common theme I see when working with women is that finding like-minded friends and a ‘village’ so to speak is often hard. In a world that can often tear others down, where do we find these unicorn individuals who support, encourage, and keep you accountable?

My biggest piece of advice on this topic is to make space- it may seem counter intuitive- however space actually creates the ability to not only invest in meeting new people- but also energetically allow you space to decide who you want in your circles. Often what happens is we believe we need to stay loyal to time friendships, we have perhaps gone to school with people, or they are family friends- even if they are toxic or no longer serving us. Perhaps with each goal you reach or each success you celebrate- you notice they no longer clap for you or perhaps try and project limiting beliefs onto you?

We have evidence that suggest within a matter of just 18 months we adapt and change our own core values to the 5 people we most hang around. If we allow ourselves to truly sit in that- we would understand the importance of the circles we associate in. Think about the five people you spend the most time with. Those connections are far more than simple friendships or acquaintances; they are mirrors reflecting parts of your identity, your aspirations, your values. The phrase "you are the company you keep" is not mere cliché; it is a profound truth that resonates deep within our very essence.

When we surround ourselves with people who reflect our core values and beliefs, we nurture an environment of affirmation and growth. These individuals encourage our deepest truths to flourish, allowing us to develop in alignment with our authentic selves.

The people we surround ourselves with often act as mirrors, reflecting back aspects of ourselves. They provide us with unique perspectives, helping us to see parts of ourselves that may be hidden or unrecognised. Embrace these reflections, for they are guides on our path to self-awareness and transformation. Life's journey is precious, and each connection is a delicate thread woven into the fabric of who you are and who you wish to become. Cultivate connections that nurture your growth, enrich your spirit, and empower your path. Remember, the five people you choose to surround yourself with are not merely companions on your journey; they are the artists helping to shape the masterpiece that is you. 

The real beauty of a well-manifested network is that it becomes a living ecosystem, nurturing dreams and passions for everyone involved. It's not just about reaching the pinnacle of your own success; it's about elevating others and growing together.

In a world intricately webbed with relationships, connections, and threads of communication, we often forget to recognise the real value lying in the network we build. As individuals, companies, and even nations invest in assets, they often overlook the latent net worth embedded in their network of relationships. Create a vivid image of your desired network. What does it look like? How does it function? How do you fit into it? Where do they hang out? What hobbies do regular do?

If you are wanting to explore whether your connections are perhaps limiting you, the best advice I was given is to approach with curiosity after you leave a catch up, or perhaps after a group dinner or setting.

How do you feel after you leave? Energised? Drained? What topics were discussed? Did you feel heard?

I remember being in a really bad place, in a relationship that was so out of alignment for me. The conversations left me feeling depleted, most were about gossip, slide belittling remarks, put downs that were passed off as jokes and it was a really hard time for me. I felt like I didn’t belong, or fit in- and now, I am thankful I didn’t fit in. Our values were so out of alignment that even the simplicity of what a holiday looks like was worlds apart. An example- a holiday for me is to recharge my soul, with my family. Moments we forget to take photos because we are so deep in the moment. Not a holidays to maintain an image for social media, when behind closed doors it was anything but the gleaming smiles and shiny bags. The alignment in our circles and connections determine whether our dream life flows with ease- or if it feels like we are constantly on struggle street, trying to fit in, trying to be heard. It isn’t to say that certain people are ‘bad’- they may just be out of alignment with your core values. Remember, we all have a different version of what our ideal worlds look like. Find those who have the same ideologies as you and life will flow.

Think of every person you know as a vault containing their own unique treasures, values, traumas, experiences, knowledge, and opportunities. These are not merely financial assets but elements that can open doors, bring innovation, and pave pathways to success. Think about the five people you spend the most time with. Those connections are far more than simple friendships or acquaintances; they are mirrors reflecting parts of your identity, your aspirations, your values. The phrase "you are the company you keep" is not mere cliché; it is a profound truth that resonates deep within our very essence. Habits are contagious. Surrounding yourself with individuals who uphold healthy routines and positive attitudes can bolster your own wellness journey. Conversely, being around those with unhealthy habits can hinder personal growth. Emotions are more than fleeting feelings; they are vibrations resonating within our soul. Those we choose to connect with on a daily basis can enhance or drain our emotional well-being. Positive relationships infuse joy and energy into our lives, while toxic connections can breed negativity and stress. 

The term ‘networking’ can often feel energetically ‘ick’ for me, as it feels as though we are meeting individuals with the intention of what they can bring to our world- if this resonates with you- instead approach each new meeting as how I can personally best serve this individual- it may help you to build deeper connections. Networking is not about collecting contacts; it's about planting relationships. How we invest in these relationships and nurture them defines the net worth that lies in our network. Be intentional about the people you allow into your inner circle. Are they nourishing your soul? Do they inspire you to become the best version of yourself? Remember, your surroundings aren't just about places and things; they are about people and energies.

The concept of your network being your net worth is essentially the establishing of the value of connection. Something that I believe we are all craving more of- human connection on a deeper level. In the great tapestry of existence, there is a thread that weaves us together, invisible and mysterious. We call it energy, frequency, or sometimes just a feeling. It is an element more abstract than science can describe, yet more real than anything we can touch.

Life is full of intersections, some coincidental, others destined, depending on your beliefs. Like invisible magnets, our energy draws us towards those who resonate at the same frequency. This resonance is not a tangible vibration, but a spiritual harmony that exists beyond our conscious understanding.

Imagine a room filled with tuning forks, each attuned to a different note. Strike one, and those calibrated to the same frequency will sing out in response, while the others remain silent. So too, our souls emit a unique resonance, vibrating at a frequency fashioned by our thoughts, feelings, and desires. When we encounter another whose soul vibrates in kind, the connection is immediate and profound. Have you ever felt drawn to someone and you don’t even know why? Sometimes surrendering to the universe with curiosity is the best way to embrace new connections.

Our level of self worth and self esteem will energetically call in others vibrating at that same frequency. Writing a list of all your best qualities and traits is a great way to bring awareness to just how magic and powerful you truly are. When we know what we bring to the table in a friendship or connection we are able to value our time and the quality in which we are willing to spend it.  What do you bring to the table? Understanding your unique strengths, skills, and values can help you connect with like-minded individuals. I know that this may sound like a trivial point to actually physically document- however energetically when we put pen to paper, we are actually putting it into the universe. We are affirming it. Deeply embodying our self worth and beliefs.

Cultivate Genuine Relationships. I cannot stress this enough. Building a network is not about quantity but quality. Authentic relationships, fostered with trust and respect, often yield the most valuable connections. It is not about having a lot of people- it is about the quality and depth in which your connections are based on. Have you ever seen girls who have multiple friends, are always out and about and then when they experience a life event where they may need support, there are very few deep connections? We are beings of connection, forever interwoven into the tapestry of relationships that define not only our social existence but our inner selves. From family to friends, colleagues to mentors, we're constantly sculpted by the individuals we choose to surround ourselves with. I know I have stressed this a lot, however creating space for new is essential, over distracting with misaligned connections.

When we look at creating new friendships, a common theme I see is “how do I make friends as an adult?” In my opinion, we are not even sure of who we want in our circles to begin with, so how can we find them if we do not know what we want? When we are clear of who we are wanting to attract in, we will see them abundantly. This may be at the gym, at coffee shops, school pick ups, conferences, workshops or online. When we find someone we click with who aligns in our values and life goals it is important that we nurture these connections, not just establish the initial connect and allow it to fizzle- like any relationship- it takes commitment to nurture. This is why again, quality over quantity is essential and why creating space first is pivotal.

Establishing connections that keep you accountable, who don’t pedestal you or people please to keep the friendship is essential. We always want honest connections that have mutual growth. Do you feel that you can be honest with your circle? Do they align with your values? Perhaps you have a friend who is having an affair, without projection, are you able to listen to understand whilst staying true to your own values and morals?

When you succeed, we all succeed! This is the motto! Collaboration- lower vibrations believe that if someone else wins, it takes from you. A higher belief system is that when others win, we all elevate higher. Your network's real worth comes alive when there's an exchange of ideas, collaboration, and mutual growth. Look for ways to engage with your network constructively.

Have you ever met someone in person and feel like the level of depth that you had perhaps perceived based on online interactions are worlds apart? Energy doesn’t lie. Platforms like LinkedIn are valuable tools, but they don't replace the warmth of a face-to-face conversation or the understanding built over a shared experience. Using platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to connect and communicate are great, be mindful like in person interactions-quality over quantity. Unfollow any accounts that you don’t feel valuable or in alignment with where you want to be. When we can learn to trust our intuition on a deeper level, we will be able to filter quicker on who aligns with our values. In a world that often feels fragmented and disconnected, this energetic dance serves as a reminder that we are not islands unto ourselves. Our frequencies seek out those who resonate with us, creating connections that empower, inspire, and elevate.

There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving- always give before you take. What you give often returns in manifold ways. If you are still establishing your boundaries or people pleasing- a good way to ensure that you are giving from a genuine place is to ask yourself if by giving, is this taking from your own cup? Ensure your own cup is full first, always. Witnessing the success and determination of others can spark a fire within us, propelling us towards our dreams. The people we align with become the wind beneath our wings, encouraging us to soar to new heights.

Like any asset worth investing in, your network requires attention, cultivation, and sometimes even pruning. A connection that may seem insignificant today might become a game-changer tomorrow.

The alignment of energies is not a passive event. It demands recognition and nurturing. The moment we deny it or push it away, it loses its strength, its pull, and its guidance. But when embraced, the energy grows, draws others into its orbit, creating a virtuous cycle of attraction and connection.

In the end, we are all seekers on a shared journey, driven by an unspoken understanding that we are drawn towards those who reflect our innermost selves. The attraction is not a superficial affair of likes and dislikes; it is a cosmic alignment of souls, a meeting of minds and hearts vibrating at the very same frequency.

We are not alone in our wanderings, for the universe is listening, echoing our calls, and guiding us towards those who hear the same song. In this mystical dance of energy, we find companionship, love, and a profound sense of belonging. Such is the enigmatic beauty of life's energetic dance. We must choose to listen to who is brought into our life each and every day. I believe nothing is by chance, how we respond is a choice.

If you are reading this feeling lonely in your circles, perhaps upon reflection you are realising the connections that you are fostering are not actually supporting your growth, remembering you are in charge of your future and you will never be this age as what you are in this exact moment. I am not saying to ditch all your friends and start a new life, I am suggesting fostering deeper connections, speak your truth, know what qualities you want in your inner circle and you maybe surprised by how when you elevate energetically, those around you also raise higher.

Embrace the connections that resonate with your soul's purpose, for they are the architects of your destiny. Your tribe is waiting for you, and in their reflection, you will find yourself.

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