How To Grocery Shop On A Budget

How To Grocery Shop On A Budget

Reality check - you don’t have to spend hundreds of $$ each week on groceries to live a healthy, balanced life. Whether your budget is $100 or $200 - whatever it is - it’s possible to shop and live healthy. It does, however, require organisation, motivation and an open mind for learning to shop and cook in new ways. 

Here are some simple tips to help you grocery shop on a budget:

Plan your meals & prepare a shopping list

Planning out your meals for each week, as well as any snacks, will massively reduce your grocery spend. Having a clear idea of what you will be eating throughout the week, and going to the supermarket with a prepared shopping list of only the ingredients you need, will mean you won’t be tempted to just chuck in unnecessary items to your trolley (like those biscuits, we see you!). Another bonus is that you can prepare your meals ahead, meaning less time in the kitchen fretting over what to cook! 

If you’re looking to meal prep like a BOSS, then download our FREE guide here.

Use leftovers for lunches

Don’t spend money on pre-made lunches. Reuse meals that you are cooking the night before for leftovers the next day while making a base for meals ahead. Savoury mince is a great example as it can be turned into so many different options, such as for tacos, risotto, nachos, spaghetti bolognese, etc. 

If you’re planning your meals out for the entire family, think about using meals that are easy to place in the lunch box the next day to save on time when it comes to school lunches.

Only buy fruits and vegetables in season

Vegetables and fruit are cheaper when they're in season so plan your meals around this factor. 

Waste less

Buy less! This sounds simple but we often buy more food than we need, and then a lot just gets wasted. Food waste is one of the biggest expenses and SO much of the food we throw out is perfectly edible. Freeze food so it doesn’t go off, and use up leftovers. Try making soup from leftover veggies or chuck any fruit you have leftover into a blender to make a smoothie!

Eat less meat

Meat can be a hefty chunk of our grocery budget so why not try going meat free once or twice a week. If you’re worried about losing out on protein, fear not! Protein can be found in a number of meat alternatives, such as lentils, chickpeas, tofu, seeds, legumes, and grains. 

Substitute with frozen

Frozen fruit or vegetables can be just as good as the fresh stuff, and sometimes half the price. Still packed with the minerals and vitamins that we need, they’re great for just grabbing what you need, when you need it. No more wastage if it doesn’t get used.

Buy specials in bulk

By buying in bulk on special items, you’ll never pay full price. It takes a bit of organisation, and a bit of money upfront, but in the long run you’ll save time and money by stocking up.

Avoid pre-made meals and cook from scratch

Cooking your own meals is not only healthier (because you know exactly what is going into your food), but it can save you a ton of money, too. Use what’s in your cupboards! If you’re struggling on recipe ideas, THE BOD Fuel is filled with easy, healthy and delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.

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